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Sea turtle school presentation

Tom Price High School Pilbara

On 19 – 20 November 2012, Gnaraloo received a visit from Tom Price High School which is situated in the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia.

As part of the Tom Price High School Follow The Dream Program 10 students were rewarded for good grades and behaviour with a Ningaloo Adventure Camp Tour.

We gave a presentation on 19 November 2012 to 10 students from Years 8 and 9 about the Gnaraloo Turtle Conservation Program (GTCP) and other environmental initiatives by Gnaraloo, including waste recycling. The talk addressed different aspects such as the presence of globally significant sea turtle rookeries at Gnaraloo, turtle biology and life cycle, significant threats and specifics on endangered loggerheads. The kids were really great and asked lots of interesting questions about turtle nesting, biology and conservation as well as the species of animals that inhabit the Gnaraloo area, on land and in the water.

Here’s a shout out to Joe, Byron, Isaiah, Eoghan, Kevin, Kyran, Leslie, Skye, Zara, Darylyn and Keegan!

Joe said they’d like to organise a longer visit in future years to allow students to participate with the scientific Day Surveys by the GTCP field researchers and learn about surveying and data collection which would be very exciting!


Team leader Careena presenting to Tom Price Highschool students
Team leader Careena presenting to Tom Price Highschool students
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