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All over the world, sea turtles face numerous threats. But despite this, some practically untouched places provide sea turtles with a safe home. Gnaraloo is one of these places.

This one goes out to the wilderness lovers

All over the world, sea turtles face numerous threats. But despite this, some practically untouched places provide sea turtles with a safe home.

Gnaraloo is one of these places.

After a decade of dedicated work, in July 2018, we delivered a valuable baseline record on turtle nesting activities at Gnaraloo. The Gnaraloo loggerheads need continued viable nesting beaches and foraging grounds and we need your help.

Turtle Friend


The use of satellite telemetry allows a better understanding of the migratory routes and foraging habitat of loggerhead turtles, and provides insight into critical aggregation areas, enabling targeted conservation management.

$10,000 will enable our scientists to buy, install and track a satellite tracker on a Gnaraloo female loggerhead turtle, for the duration of her migration after she finishes nesting at Gnaraloo. Our scientific team will be able to analyse the data to learn more about the loggerhead females nesting at Gnaraloo in order to help to protect them. Contact us to sponsor a sea turtle.

Loggerhead sea turtle satellite tracking, Gnaraloo Bay Rookery, Ningaloo Coast, Western Australia
GTCP 2017/18


The Gnaraloo Wilderness Area is home to a diverse ecosystem. It provides habitat for animals and plants, some of which are endemic to the area. Our teams have started to compile species lists of the animals that live at Gnaraloo. Check it out!

If you have photos of animals that are not listed, please send them to us.
It would help if you could identify the species.


Sea turtle tagging
Members of our committee, Karen Hattingh and Dof Dickinson, were trained in flipper tagging during September 2018 in Queensland.


Karen shared our work and efforts at the 4th Australian Marine Turtle Symposium, Southern Great Barrier Reef, with over 300 attendees and turtle enthusiasts, during 8 – 10 September 2018 in Bundaberg, Queensland. She also presented at the Southern Great Barrier Reef Regional Schools “Reef Together” Convention in Bundaberg. At this event, 200 school students from 20 regional schools came together for the International Year of the Reef. Everyone enjoyed the event.
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