Female loggerhead turtles usually spend the length of the nesting season (November to February) either…
Tess DeSerisy, Scientific Intern GTCP Season 2017/18
Hi! My name is Tess DeSerisy and I recently received my undergraduate degree in Marine Science from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida USA. I fell in love with sea turtles on a volunteer trip I took to Tortuguero, Costa Rica in high school and have been hooked ever since! During college I researched green sea turtle population genetics and completed an independent study on haplotype densities in Bermuda. I spent the last three summers experiencing nesting seasons in various places throughout Florida and the Caribbean. My favourite season was in 2016 when I lived on a remote island off of Bocas Del Toro, Panama for four months doing hawksbill nesting and tagging surveys. I could not be more excited to exchange my American winter for an Australian summer (and nesting season) to work for the Gnaraloo Turtle Conservation Program!
By Tess DeSerisy, GTCP Scientific Intern