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Gnaraloo Bay

GTCP 2015/16 Daily monitoring of Gnaraloo Bay Rookery officially begins!

Zeros are data too!

Today marked the official start of the GTCP 2015/16 monitoring season! Jordy and I conducted the first survey in Gnaraloo Bay Rookery (GBR) at sunrise this morning. No turtles, though not unexpectedly as previous data indicates that nesting doesn’t usually pick up until the second week of November, but it was a beautiful, calm morning and a great day for a walk on the beach.

The photo above shows the stretch of the beach at the northern end of the Gnaraloo Bay Rookery where most loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtle nesting activities tend to be concentrated. Today there was just lots of golden ghost crabs (Ocypode convexa) and goat (Capra hircus) tracks – but check back in a couple weeks as there will definitely be more exciting news and updates to come!

Mel Do, Community Engagement Intern

Mel and Jordy on Survey
First Morning Survey for GTCP 2015/16 with PA Jordy and Community Intern Mel
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